11/22/2020 Sunday Worship Service Recording and Litany

Litany for Pandemic Response

This week’s litany is specifically focused on the pandemic, as is the attention of most of the U.S. with 247,000 dead, and over 1000 per day losing their lives to uncontrolled COVID-19. When I hear the words of Christ here in Matthew 25 saying, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me..,” all I can hear is the pleas of doctors and nurses to please wear a mask, don’t go to gatherings or bars, keep your distance. These are small acts of love that, lamentably, so many people who say they follow Christ are neglecting.

This parable is a powerful critique on this moment. On how we are responding collectively to this crisis and those most in danger of harm from it. On how willing or unwilling we are to do concrete but simple acts of love.

Honestly, I can’t get it out of my head. I have trouble understanding the world right now. It’s hard to write liturgy for these times, y’all.

God, help us to see that even the tiniest actions we do or don’t do
Can be a testament to love:Wearing a mask,
Staying home instead,Visiting outdoors at a few paces distance,
Taking measured precautions.

This is a hard year for everyone
We don’t want to give up our pleasures,Our traditions,
Our creature comforts,Our personal freedoms,
Our habits.

But at the end of our lives,
Or whenever we are asked to give an account of ourselves,Let it be true that we did everything we could
To care for your children,To protect the weak,
To prevent harm,To nourish the needy,
To tend the sick.

Let it be true that we attended the smallest details
Of loving our neighbors,And that those simple actions added up
To equal big love.For when we care for the people before us,
We care for Christ.
When we love these people with our actions, big and small,
We love Christ.

And someday, when we look back on these days of loss and lament,
Of pandemic and injustice, Of political stalemate and uproar,
May we be at peace with our own response. Amen

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